Couples Massage Special 1 hr $165 +tx
We Are Open ! Come get the best massage and day spa services in Ruidoso.
Book online or call us for an appointment. 575-630-0515
Couples Massage Special 1 hr $165 +tx
Book online or call us for an appointment. 575-630-0515
Same day appointments have to be made by phone. Appointments are next available staff, if you have a preference (male or female) please let us know when making the appointment. Online appointments are not confirmed until we call you to confirm. If in doubt please call us. 575-630-0515 We reserve the right to cancel or reschedule appointments at our discretion. Adverse weather conditions, road closures, fires, floods, your safety and our safety, are a main concern of ours. As the owner for the past 31 years, it's my call whether we stay open or close. If you cannot live with that, please make an appointment elsewhere. Sincerely, Dr David McMinn
Online booking is available, prepay or pay at time of service.
Appointments for same day only available by calling. 575-630-0515
616 Carrizo Canyon Rd, Ruidoso, NM 88345, US
Don't pay those high prices.. Call us today for the best massage in Ruidoso! (575) 630-0515
Monday thru Saturday: 8:30am - 6:00pm
Appointments start at 9:00
No same day online appointments. Appointments made the night prior will not be approved until 9:00am the day of your appointment. We will call you to confirm, please leave a good phone number when booking. If you have any questions please feel fee to call us anytime, even if it's past closing time, phone is always forwarded to my cell. 575-630-0515
Your place or ours. Onsite massage available to the Ruidoso area.
Welcome to Adobe Day Spa. Treat yourself to a wonderful experience, you deserve it! Let your stress fade away into a distant memory. Our friendly, professional staff will pamper you, renewing your mind, body, and soul. Located in the same offices as Adobe Chiropractics just 3 minutes from the Inn of the Mountain Gods, in the heart of Ruidoso. Experience a specialized massage option that will perfectly transform your body and spirit. Our massage spa salon services includes today's most advanced techniques. Our staff is highly trained and your privacy is assured.
Our Motto: " Look Good, Feel Good, Stay Healthy and Live Longer"
Adobe Day Spa is dedicated to providing you with the utmost attention, courtesy, and level of service. Customer satisfaction is our highest priority. Our location or yours, we cater to all of Ruidoso, Lincoln County and the Inn of the Mountain Gods Resort and Casino. One of our favorites is a couples spa massage and our Combo spa facial is to die for!
Try our new pain reduction massage with special pain reducing massage oil and Zuri-Freeze Cold Therapy Rub.
Zuri and NuLeaf Products available.
We have many add ons to our services. We also have hot tub, infrared sauna, body wraps, spray & tanning beds, facials, microderm, ionic foot detox and Ruidoso's most experienced chiropractor.
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